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Artwork of the day

Did you know...the word "Cyclops" comes from the Greek "Kuklōps", which means "round-eyed"?Discover more Greek mythology

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What Came First?

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Deep-cuts: Manet

You know his Olympia, but have you seen...

Quiz: Manet vs. Monet

Can you tell the difference between these two Impressionist masters?

What's this hidden image?
Clue: It's a matter of life and death!
A Skull
The 'anamorphosis' skull appears 3D if you stand at the bottom right of the canvas

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Poetry in motion

6 spices that changed the world

Discover the variety of flavors found on Indonesian shores

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Spice Up The World

Guess the artwork from the pieces

Click here to find out the answer
Which ancient city is this?
Clue: it was built by the Incas in the 15th century
Machu Picchu
Incan ruins at Machu Picchu, Dmitri Kessel, LIFE

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